Marine solutions center
Marine solutions center is a single page aplication with Angular.
It is designed as a platfor for creating and posting jobs for seafarers.
Key features of the app:
- On the app landing page, you can find brief information about the web page, and it can be toggled to view more or less info.
- Not registered users can view the home page and the jobs but not the details. Once the details are pressed, they are redirected to the login page.
- At the login page, users must fill up the correct email and password. Validation and error handling are in place for the email and password, and a pop-up message with the toaster is displayed in case of successful or unsuccessful login.
- After successful login, the user is redirected to the home page. In the "Opened jobs" section, they can browse through the available jobs. They can also subscribe to a respective job, and the subscribers' counter for the corresponding job increases. Subscription can be done only once.
- Logged in users can create a new job. All fields must be correctly filled up, and validation of the form inputs is implemented. -The user can edit their own job by changing the input field values, and validation of the form is implemented.
- The user, the author of the job, can also delete it. A confirmation window must be activated to confirm the deletion, and the user is redirected to the home page.
- Logout redirects the user to the landing page.
- Unregistered users can sign up by entering a valid name, email, and password. The repeat password must match the password, and validation is implemented for all fields.
- Upon signing up, the user is redirected to the home page. They can update their profile by filling up First Name, Last Name, Phone, Address, and uploading an image. A toaster message pops up upon upload and save completion.
Watch a brief video of the app
Learn more about it watch the video here.